Review: When I think of the most dangerous woman in America, the last person I think about is a wannabe socialite from Menominee, Michigan. But that is exactly what the Pinkerton Detective Agency dubbed our protagonist May Dugas.
Parlor Games
is deliciously entertaining. I really loved the cat and mouse game between May and Reed Doherty, the Pinkerton detective. Just when I had forgotten about him, he would pop up to foil May’s plan once again. I also loved reading May’s adventures. She was quite the world traveler. I loved her moxie and her opportunistic ways. She never gave up and did what she had to in order to have a better life. She was selfless in the way that these desires extended to her family as well. She wanted a better life for them. I think that is what I enjoyed the most about this novel. May wasn’t this cunning dangerous woman, she was resourceful.
Parlor Games has a wonderful cast of supporting characters. I especially loved the spunky Daisy and May’s husband, the respected Dutch Baron Rudolph de Vries. I love the stability the Baron offered May and Daisy was simply fantastic. Daisy is the one character that made me wish Parlor Games wasn’t written in first person. I would have loved to get inside Daisy’s head for a bit. Maybe Ms. Biaggio will take the foundation of Daisy and write another novel based on her. Yes, I would like that very much.
Ms. Biaggio is a gifted writer however there were times when the transition from scene to scene wasn’t smooth. Also, the thing that wasn’t clear to me was May’s friendship with Frank. Their first go-around was recounted thoroughly however their second attempt at a friendship was told through court testimony only. I felt a little cheated. I wanted to know May’s point of view and that lack of knowledge made it very difficult for me to side with her. The author added much vivid detail yet at times, glazed over the minor things that would have really pulled the story together, mainly what exactly happened with May and Frank.
I thoroughly enjoyed this novel up until the end. I had rooted for May throughout Parlor Games but in the end, I was left shaking my head in wonder if she really was cunning and deceitful. Maybe that is the point. Once May stopped talking and weaving a web of lies, all that is left is fact and truth. And the truth is maybe the Pinkerton Detective Agency is right.
Final Take: 4/5
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