No, it’s not Sean Donahue, the sexy fireman-turned-private-eye who’s stolen Lucy’s heart. It’s a masked man in a cowboy hat, dubbed “The Lone Ranger,” who’s been throwing handfuls of cash across the Common. Now all of Beantown’s abuzz. Can Lucy unmask the mysterious money man, track down all her clients’ old flames, and turn up the heat on her love life? Absolutely, positively…
Review: I have been holding on to this Lucy Valentine novel for almost a year in hopes that Heather Webber would be writing more in the series. I adore this series and I just didn't want it to end. Now, with Perfectly Matched available electronically, and soon to be available in print, I finally felt comfortable starting Absolutely, Positively.
It was wonderful to revisit Lucy Valentine, but man, did she frustrate me this time through. Granted, I'm not in her shoes, but she sets too much store in perfectly matched auras and curses. Yes, she has past precedent to back it up, but she really needs to have a little faith. She spends so much time worrying about the future and what may happen that she misses the here and now of what is happening. ...And here I am talking about Lucy as if she was a real person... But that's just why I love this series so; I get entirely wrapped up in the characters and their lives. So when I quote my daughter and say this was "not my favorite" Lucy Valentine novel, understand that it's like saying this is not my favorite Godiva chocolate.
For the first time ever, I saw many of them twists coming, perhaps because this story felt more character driven. The plot is usually well balanced with the character development but I felt like it took a bit of a back seat here. This didn't make it any less enjoyable, because I just adore Heather Webber's easy, witty style. It was the journey that made it worth the while.
I'm certainly glad that this wasn't the last book in the series; I can't wait to see where all of the characters go from here. Now that I know that the Lucy Valentine series will continue, I think I won't wait so long to pick up Perfectly Matched. In fact, you may see my review for it real soon.
Final Take: 4.25/5.0
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