Review: The title is a bit deceiving isn't it? Bet you thought this was about a James Bond girl didn't you? Nope, it's about Wall Street and working on a bond desk at an investment firm. Instantly I liked Alex and felt for her. Who hasn't woken up and thought "You can get through this" for a day at the office? Working on Wall Street was a life long goal of hers and nothing was going to deter her.
Bond Girl
There are a lot of wonderful secondary characters in the book. Some are nice and some aren't. Some will fit your thinking of the stereotypical finance guy on the street but then again stereotypes exist for a certain reason right? What Ms. Duffy does, is go beyond the stereotypes and humanizes them so we end up caring for them. They become Alex' friends and therefore they become ours. I think my favorite of these was Chick, her boss. He was a hard ass but you knew he had a heart. He pushed Alex to be her best and she was better for it.
As Alex moves along in her career and the financial collapse of 2008 happens, she ends up re-evaluating her life. While Wall Street has provided her with money and some success, it has also provided her with anxiety, a stalker and no time for any thing else in life. This isn't what she remembered her dad's job being when she was a kid.
I enjoyed then ending of the novel but I will comment that it felt a bit rushed. Perhaps it is because the climax and resolution were so closely tied together. Was some of the novel, predictable? Yes, but obviously that didn't take away from my enjoyment.
I know that Ms. Duffy was an analyst on Wall Street for 10 years so I'm sure some of this was based on real experiences but then fictionalized. I think that was also why I enjoyed this book so much was because I knew some of it had to have occurred in real life. Makes it that much more fascinating. I also wonder about the people who were fictionalized in this novel, what their reactions were to being immortalized.
Ms. Duffy has a wonderful career in writing if it's what she chooses to keep doing. I will be looking forward to her novels in the future.
For more information on Ms. Duffy you can find her on Facebook.
Final Take: 4/5
Thanks to TLC Tours & William Morrow for my review copy.
TLC Tour Information for Bond Girl:
Tuesday, July 17th: Girls Just Reading
Wednesday, July 18th: Life In Review
Thursday, July 19th: Seaside Book Nook
Monday, July 23rd: The Book Garden
Tuesday, July 24th: Twisting the Lens
Thursday, July 26th: Life in the Thumb
Monday, July 30th: Kritters Ramblings
Tuesday, July 31st: A Bookish Affair
Wednesday, August 1st: Stephany Writes
Thursday, August 2nd: Walking With Nora
Wednesday, August 8th: Reflections of a Bookaholic
I did sort of figure this had something to do with James Bond when I read the title. Kind of sneaky. :)
I read an ARC of this book, and LOVED it. Wish I'd known there was a blog tour!
My (other) job is quite stressful enough - I can't even begin to imagine working on Wall Street!
I'm glad you enjoyed this one in spite of your issue with the ending. Thanks for being on the tour!
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