Review: Let me first say this, I LOVED Time Traveler's Wife; therefore I don't take comparisons to that book lightly. Frankly, I don't think anything can/should be compared to that book. I haven't read anything like it since and probably won't again. That being said, there are parallels to it with My Name is Memory but for me the love story in this book isn't as epic as TTW. This is also my first Ann Brashares' novel, as I don't really read YA novels. (I did like the movies based on her Traveling Pants series though). Just like in TTW, you have to suspend belief in My Name Is Memory
The premise behind the novel is that we all have past lives but Daniel and few others are special in the fact that they can remember theirs, not everyone does but everyone is left with marks from them. It is an interesting theory but let's just say I'm not sold.
Ms. Brashares spends a good portion of the book going between present day and back thousands of years to some of Daniel's past lives. These are the lives that were most important to him because these are where him and Sophia intersect. While I appreciated the stories on the back lives, I really wanted more of the story written in the present. I wanted more of Lucy's story. I wanted more of her journey and we do get that in the second part of the book.
For me the love story was one sided for most of the book until Lucy starts to have her revelation. So for me, the love story isn't epic. Did I buy that these two people needed to be together? By the end yes but during the story, not so much. I felt that Lucy had a long way to go to catch up with Daniel.
I loved Lucy's adventure. I loved how she discovered things about herself and how she took her fate into her own hands. She was courageous and strong. A wonderful role model for young women. Now, I wasn't as disappointed in the ending as Alice was (her review here) but I can understand why she was disappointed. Essentially, there is no resolution. This leads me to believe it's a series or maybe a trilogy. I would love a trilogy. This book dealt with the past, the next one firmly planted in the present and the final book in the future. Makes sense to me. :) I did think that the book dragged a bit in places but it definitely picked up towards the middle.
I did read that My Name Is Memory
It wasn't that characters that I thought about when I would put this book down but the subject matter. In fact, thinking about past lives one night gave me only 5 hours of sleep. It wasn't my past lives I was pondering but my kids. Do we have them and if so, why? I guess if you were Hindu you definitely believe in them, right? I also had a conversation with my hubby about it. He said it was only 9am and this was more of a conversation for night with a bottle of wine. :) He said he used to believe in past lives but not so much anymore. He also said either we all have past lives or none of us have them. Interesting thought, yes?
So if you are looking for a love story that will jar your brain into other ideas about souls, then My Name Is Memory
Final Take: 3.75/5
1 comment:
Great review--thanks for sharing. This one is on my TBR list. As far as TTW goes, I read it and thought it was good (not great, just good).....
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