Review: Come Sunday
I don't think I liked Abbe because Abbe doesn't like herself. I understand there are times in our lives, especially for women, where we lose sight of our self. We lose it to work, family, children and husbands. Her husband, Greg, seemed more concerned about his flock at the church than what was going on at home. It's only after the tragedy with Cleo, where Greg starts to pay attention and by then it's too late.
I loved the way Ms. Morley's prose stands out in the novel. It's her writing and weaving of the old South African traditions that get me through the book. There are some remarkable passages throughout the book that really spoke to me but here is just a sample of one:
It seems to me the older I get, the more I yearn for my past. For the neighborhoods I grew up in, the little community events, my old school pals. I suspect that if I went back there I would still feel nostalgic. So it's a deceptive thing, isn't it? Nostalgia traps you into believing the past was better than what's up ahead. ~page 177
Isn't that so true? It's because we can re-create the past to be what we believe it to be and the future is so unknown that we can't do anything about it in our heads.
The book takes us from the shores of Hawaii to the mountains/plains of South Africa. Going to South Africa is going home for Abbe. It is here in South Africa where she learns the truth about her family, specifically her mother and learns about forgiveness. What it takes to forgive and how to forgive herself. Forgiveness is one of the hardest lessons to learn because it means learning to let go.
There are some terrific secondary characters in the novel. From her brother Rhiaan, her sister-in-law Cicely, Jenny and Beauty.
I would love for Ms. Morley to explore the relationships between whites and blacks in South Africa. Much like Kathryn Stockett did in The Help
I'm looking forward to what Ms. Morley explores in her next novel.
Final Take: 3.75/5
Sounds like a great read! Thanks for sharing your review.
Abbe was hard to like, but with all she'd been through it was understandable. This was the first book I've read with a South African setting and Morley definitely brought it to life.
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