Review: You guys already know that I love the Stone Barrington novels and Hot Mahogany (Stone Barrington)
I enjoyed how they solved the case of the stolen Secretary (which is a piece of furniture not a lady who sits behind a desk taking dictation in the 1960s). I really enjoyed the character of Barton and hope to see him again. What would be nice is to see Stone settle down for a while with one lady. I mean it doesn't have to mean marriage but a committed relationship would be a nice change. We haven't had that in this series since Arrington. In this book he beds 3 different women, although one is a regular appearance. I'm hoping the last one might be more serious. You know, last a couple of books. I'm starting to think that Stone Barrington is Mr. Woods alter ego. I also keep wondering how Stone is almost always at the brink of being a bit broke and then he lands these huge cases. Oh well, it's fiction right? :)
Another thing that struck me was at the end of the book, the ladies retired to a different room while the men conducted business. I mean, who does that these days? I guess maybe people with a lot of money? I just thought it was interesting. There is a note at the end of the book that explains that a Secretary of this era did exist and how he came upon the story. I really liked knowing that it was a real piece of furniture.
I now have Loitering with Intent
Final Take: 3.75/5
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