Review: I'm always thankful for free books ('s Early Reviewers group) and this one I'm definitely glad I didn't buy it. It was a disappointment because I was expecting something more than typically chick-lit and it was nothing but typical. Love and Other Natural Disasters
The interesting thing about this book was that it wasn't a physical affair, in other words no sex was involved by Jon or the other woman. We don't even get to meet Laney which to me is a disappointment and might have been an interesting climatic point to have Eve meet her. I personally think that an emotional affair can be more damaging to a marriage than one that involves sex. Sex to men, is Sex. It's not an emotional connection. Sure it can lead to one but let's be real, men and women view sex very differently. I would be extremely hurt if I found out that my husband was telling another woman things that he couldn't tell me or the antidotes that he used to amaze me with, even if I've heard them all before.
I liked Eve but I didn't love her. I didn't think Jon was a 3 dimensional character and was pretty much a stereotype for a cheating husband. He's only sorry he got caught and really didn't understand what he did was wrong. Oh and of course it was Eve's fault. (picture me rolling my eyes) Hey relationships go both ways and sure she wasn't completely interested but she was very much in love with her husband.
The ending was OK but nothing fantastic and left it open ended. I didn't like how Eve left it up to Jon to decide if they were going to give it another try. He's the one who screwed up, why should he get to decide?
Final Take: 3.0/5
I agree with you on your point of emotional affair vs. sexual affair. Emotional to me seems so much more damaging.
Great review. Thanks for being so candid and honest about the book. It helps me decide whether to invest my time into it or not. I'm passing this one up!!
I'm thankful you reviewed this. I also saw this at Library Thing's early reviewers. I'm glad I wasn't selected to read it.
Chick-lit bothers me most of the time.
I'm not reading your review yet because I got this one as an Early Reviewer, too, but haven't gotten to it. But from the bit I saw of yours, it looks like I'm not in for a treat, boo.
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