I've been awaiting the release of the third (oops, FOURTH! Thanks, planetbooks, I've read all three but apparently I can't count either!!!) book, Breaking Dawn, on August 2 and I had heard rumblings about the first book becoming a movie but it's way farther along than I realized. The movie is set to be released December 12th and you can catch a trailer here if you haven't already seen it in a theatre: http://www.twilightthemovie.com/. Harry Potter fans will immediately recognize the actor who won the role of the heartbreaking Edward, Robert Pattinson (AKA Cedric). I am truly excited to see how this translates into film and will certainly review it for our site.
Apparently, Ms. Meyer is also rewriting Twilight from Edward's point of view in a novel called Midnight Sun to be completed after she has finished the series.
Many thanks to Crystal for bringing her Aunt up to date...
Just a little FYI, Breaking Dawn will be the Fourth book in the Twilight series, with Eclipse being the Third book.
I have read the first book and absolutely loved it. I have the second and third books on my TBR shelf and am very excited for the film release.
My daughter and I have both devoured the first three books - and are both counting down the days until the release of Breaking Dawn.
I found out all about Breaking Dawn and Midnight Sun from Wikipedia! Very informative site. :)
They'll probably have all 3 movies out by the time I get around to reading the books. LOL
I am thinking about re-reading Twilight in November, so I can see the movie right afterwards.
I am thinking about re-reading Twilight in November, so I can see the movie right afterwards.
I think I will re-read the series before the fourth book comes out, but I want to avoid re-reading it to close to the movie. I end up too tied to the book to enjoy the movie.
I think I'll skip re-reading the sixth Harry Potter prior to the movie release for just that reason. Perhaps I'll enjoy it more.
I keep hearing about this series... some even from a Harry Potter podcast that I listen to, but I have yet to read it.
Looks like I'm going to have another series to get into now that Harry Potter has ended. Anyone have any idea how many books are planned for this series?
Breaking Dawn is the fourth and final book in the series... unless you count Meyer's rewriting the first book from Edward's point of view. ;)
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