Review: We all know that most teenagers are self-destructive in some form and that we are all pretty happy to make it out some what in tack. In today's age of You Tube the stupid things teenagers do can cost them a lot more than they even realize. This is what happens to three teenage boys at an exclusive academy. They are accused of Sexual Assault because they girl they all have sex with is 14 and that's statutory rape in the state of Vermont. The question is, was it consensual or not. We all know they performed because it was caught on tape and posted to You Tube for the world to see. Testimony
There was pretty much one or two characters that I thought were interesting in the book out of the 15 that she provides us with. The book is written from all the characters view points and frankly some of them weren't integral to the story. I would have liked to have gotten into the reasons for the actions long before the last chapter of the book and it was only from one point of view. I didn't really feel sympathetic towards any of the characters, except Noelle, who is the girlfriend of one of the boys on the tape. In all of this she really is the innocent victim. I'm not even sure that the "victim" in the story is truly a victim at all. I'm not saying that what happened was right, it sure as heck wasn't, but I'm not convinced she was innocent in all of this either. I didn't really get attached to any of the three boys that were involved in the case.
There are authors who are excellent at telling the same story from multiple views well, but Ms. Shreve failed with this book. It only works when each of the views moves the plot forward and I didn't feel like it succeeded in that manner. I understand what Ms. Shreve was going for here, our actions affect not only those close to us but the lives of others we may not even know. I just think it fell flat.
Ms. Shreve has written so many other wonderful books that I would highly recommend over Testimony
I can't say that I would recommend this book to any of my friends looking for a great read. I would lend them any one of the books I mentioned above.
Final Take: 3/5
Sorry to hear you didn't like this one by Shreve, I really enjoyed the ripple effects she showed through the various POVs.
I liked that aspect but I just didn't care. The only 2 characters I felt truly sorry for were Anna and Noelle.
I haven't read this, although I have several by her, including Sea Glass, that I liked a whole lot. I think I'll give this one a miss. Thanks for the heads up!
I haven't read any Shreve, except Testimony. I thought it was pretty good. I agree though, that not many of the characters were very sympathetic. I like Noelle, of course, but I found Silas to be a good character as well, he acted poorly, but it wasn't without good reason. I wasn't sure if I'd read anymore of Shreve's novels, but maybe I'll try a couple you suggested. Thanks!
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