Review: Wow. Just wow. If I had any inclinations as to where things were headed after ASLEEP, McNair completely blew me out of the water. I tried to read through this one slowly, to savour it, but it got to a point where I just couldn't put it down and I was racing to find out what was going to happen.
It's time for Adisa to grow up, and she as some hard lessons to learn. Some of her emotional upheaval comes from normal things. She has her first serious boyfriend and she has to learn balance and responsibility when it comes to her family and friends. She has just realized that her college attending sisters' moral code is not quite the same as the conservative one instilled in them by their parents and she must reconcile the fact that her sisters are old enough to make their own decisions. She also just recently found out she was adopted. Then there are some not so normal things, such as the cultural differences between the super being (Sp) world and the earthbound one, the manifestation of her super powers, the realization that she is the only one who can save her boyfriends life. Everyone has an agenda for Adisa, all of them have different motives. The pressure is on, and she is bound to make mistakes along the way, hopefully they won't be too serious to repair.
Because of the cultural differences between the earthbound and Sp world, both Micha and Adisa make unfounded assumptions that could cost them everything. If Micha had taken time to teach Adisa, or had Adisa taken time to ask, more about the Sp world, Adisa would have made more informed decisions. But here I am talking about what the character's should have done, not the author. That's because, once again, Wendy Raven McNair has brilliantly blurred the lines of reality and supernatural. Her heartfelt characters are so realistic, that she truly brings the reader into the story. I read lots of YA fantasy and paranormal but none that is so firmly planted in reality that it's almost ...tangible.
When the book ends Adisa has finally come into her own, though the process was grueling. It ends openly, but not on a gut-wrenching cliffhanger, leaving McNair plenty of Sp world for Adisa to discover and much still to be resolved.
If you love YA, I beg you to check out this trilogy, starting with ASLEEP
Final Take: 5/5