Julie's Review: I loved this book. I loved it from the first page. Ms. Newmark has a way with words and they way she puts them together is magic. Which is good, since her book deals with magic aka alchemy. This is probably the 2nd book I've read this year that talks about alchemy and I find it very intriguing, especially in this setting. I also love how she weaves in food and how it can affect some one's mind, body and soul. (Jenn - I think you'd love this book). Luciano is the main character and he's quite the charmer. He's innocent but has had a hard life. He knows the streets well but he has to learn how to operate in a palace environment. I also loved Chef Ferrero. I could picture him in my mind and loved that he thought of Luciano as a "son". It was delightful to read about the mentor/pupil relationship that had much more affection to it than you would normally keep.
Ms. Newmark does an excellent job of making Venice a character in it's own right. One day I will make it there, I swear!! The politics of Venice, Rome and Italy is another interesting aspect of the book and sometimes felt like it could be plucked out of today's society. We also have "The Book" that everyone is after and no one know where to find. It's shrouded in such secrecy you wonder if it even exists or if it made up to keep those who want busy while the intellectuals quietly take over.
The book is about gaining knowledge, learning what to do with the knowledge and growing from that knowledge. It's also about learning who trust, who should have/earn your trust.
I'm definitely not doing The Book of Unholy Mischief
This is one of my favorite thoughts/quotes in the book. Chef Ferrero speaking to Luciano:
"We all die, but we all leave something behind. We achieve immortality by passing on knowledge." page 276
I also must note that not only is the cover gorgeous but the inside of the hardcover has the most beautiful renderings of fruits and vegetables. They look good enough to eat.
Fans of both Sarah Addison Allen and/or Sarah Dunant will love this book.
A special thanks to Tracee at Pump Up Your Book Promotion for getting me on the Virtual Book tour for this one!!
Julie's Final Take: 4.75/5