Thursday, September 7, 2023

Julie's Review: The Coffee Shop of Curiosities

Author: Heather Webber
Series: None
Publication Date:  August 1, 2023
Publisher: Forge Publishing
Pages: 320
Obtained: publisher via Netgalley
Genre:  Contemporary Fiction, Magical Realism
Rating: 4.5/5
Bottom Line: Sometimes you have to take chances to live
Grab, Just get it at the library, or Remove from your TBR list? Grab
SummaryA mysterious letter. An offer taken. And the chance to move forward. When Ava Harrison receives a letter containing an unusual job listing one month after the sudden death of her ex-boyfriend, she thinks she’s being haunted. The listing―a job as a live-in caretaker for a peculiar old man and his cranky cat in Driftwood, Alabama―is the perfect chance to start a new life. A normal life. Ava has always been too fearful to even travel, so no one’s more surprised than she is when she throws caution to the wind and drives to the distant beachside town. On the surface, Maggie Mae Brightwell is a bundle of energy as she runs Magpie’s, Driftwood’s coffee and curiosity shop, where there’s magic to be found in pairing the old with the new. But lurking under her cheerful exterior is a painful truth―keeping busy is the best way to distract herself from the lingering loss of her mama and her worries about her aging father. No one knows better than she does that you can’t pour from an empty cup, but holding on to the past is the only thing keeping the hope alive that her mama will return home one day. Ava and Maggie soon find they’re kindred spirits, as they’re both haunted―not by spirits, but by regret. Both must learn to let go of the past to move on―because sometimes the waves of change bring you to the place where you most belong.

Review: There is something special about Heather Webber's books for me. Perhaps is the bit of magic that she sprinkles along the way but I think it's also how she writes her characters. From the eccentric, to the secretive to the hurting, all of them are key parts to the story she's weaving. The story begins and ends with Ava but it is her journey that ends up bringing the small town together and healing old wounds. 

I loved all of the characters in this novel and the interpersonal relationships even if they were complicated at times because well life is complicated. Dez and Maggie have always had a special father/daughter relationship but lately Dez has been acting odd and Maggie is getting concerned. Maggie has her own health issues to worry about and she needs to take care of herself but she's too busy worrying about and taking care of the town. Plus there's all kinds of rumors abound about Dez selling the coffee shop that Maggie's mom opened before she disappeared years ago and Maggie can't let it go. Plus an old flame of hers and re-emerged and wants to rekindle what they had. 

Then there's the mysterious Sam who Ava finds herself drawn to him and of course his dog, Norman. Ava who is still working through the grief of her friend, Alexander and trying to live a normal life. She's worried about her own health issues she had when she was younger. 

I loved the matching of the curiosities from the coffee shop with people that seemed random but really put them on their correct path in life. 

If you are a fan of Sarah Addison Allen's novels, then you should definitely pick up Heather Webbers's books. 



Anonymous said...

We'll getta gobba lotta curiousities
in the starry sky - can1outgive God
who's been tharNback oemnillions X
oemnillions X oemnillions of times
searching4 us 2Bn 7thHeaven???
Follow me to the Wedding Feast:
● ●
Cya soon, miss gorgeous...

Anonymous said...

'Oemnillion ' is right below 'forever'
by the way, dear. Cya soon...