Review: All You Desire picks up where The Eternal Ones left off. I must confess, other than remembering how much I loved The Eternal Ones, I didn’t remember much about it. After a quick read of my The Eternal Ones review, I felt like I had background to forge ahead.
All You Desire is a good novel. However, the one thing it lacked was the originality and soul of The Eternal Ones. Haven was more mature this time. She faced real dilemmas of a young adult committed to one man. I liked how she revisited past lives looking for answers and admitting to herself that things with Iain aren’t all that they seem. Iain on the other hand drove me a little batty. He was selfish all in the name of protecting Haven. He took too many unnecessary risks. If I was Haven, I would have kicked his butt to the curb.
There were so many plot twists, I had a hard time keeping track of whom to trust. Usually action like that keeps me on the edge of my seat but this time the lack of a solid information was frustrating. I got to the point where I didn’t care so much about what happened, I kept reading because I wanted it to be over. That’s never good. Ms. Miller left the ending wide open for a possible third book in the series. After All You Desire, I’m not sure if I would pick it up. One thing for certain is if I did, it’s definitely a library book.
I wonder how I would have felt about this novel had I read it immediately after The Eternal Ones. Maybe that high would have carried through and I would have enjoyed it more than I did. Time and distance tarnished the magic for me. I appreciate the romance of the story. A love that transcends time is always a big seller for me. What was frustrating was the convoluted mystery in All You Desire overshadowed that love.
Final Take: 3/5
Eternal Ones Review here.
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