Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday Skim

Week of 3/9/2025:


Currently Reading:

Looking Forward To:

There is nothing like starting a book and finishing a book in the same day and it was entertaining and a little dark. Not my usual vibe but sometimes you need to voyage out of those comfort zone. We leave later this week for vacation and I can't wait to get some reading, relaxing and baseball in! 


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Review Quickies

I don't think words can express how much I loved this sequel. I felt for Inez as she wrestled with her feelings for Whit and wondering if she could really trust him. It's not only Whit but looking for her dupicitious mother and dealing with the death of her cousin. There is a lot of adventure, romance and history in these pages. It definitely has the feel of The Mummy. I finished this book a couple weeks ago and it still takes up space in my head. 

I can't miss an installment of Finlay's adventures.  I know at some point this series will need to come to an end but I'm thankful it doesn't seem to be with this one. For once, Finlay and Vero aren't in the middle of something illegal, instead they are trying to solve a crime. All the regular characters are here with some additions taking center stage. Mrs. Haggerty was a fantastic support character to have the focus on. And well Sylvia is always good for a bunch of laughs. Plus Nick is a saint. 


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sunday Skim

Week of 3/2/2025:


Currently Reading:

Looking Forward To:

Elle Cosimano can write Finlay forever because those books and their antics crack me up. The 5th installment was no different. Chris Bohjalian takes us to the Civil War and while that's not my favorite historical era, he wrote a fantastic novel about bravery and kindness. 


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday Skim

Week of 2/16/2025 & 2/23/2025:


Currently Reading:

Looking Forward To:

Another great 2 weeks of books. Obviously, Abby Jimenez can do no wrong and this short story was great. Last week I did some quick reviews, so take a look at them. 


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Review Quickies

It has been a long time since I've read a David Baldacci book but this one seemed a bit different than his usual ones, so I grabbed the audio. If you are a fan of A Time to Kill, then you won't want to miss this one. In fact, I would love another book with Joe and Desiree. There are some plot twists that I didn't see coming and fair warning if you have empathy this book will piss you off. As much as the book was set in the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s, a lot still, unfortunately, resonates today. 


So Fool Me Once was released 2016 and that's when I read it and I hadn't yet watched the Netflix show before reading it. So when I started this one, without knowing there was an additional character; so it took me a little bit to get into this one. I should have never doubted Mr. Coben because I really liked it. He has never let me down. 


I absolutely adored this book but I also loved Sleepless in Seattle. While it's inspired by the movie it is not a direct deriviative. Aiden and Lucie are fantastic characters and the banter is just perfection. It's not just them but it's the cast of characters in the book from Lucie's daughter, Maya to her dads and then there's Aiden's best friend, Jackson they just complete the whole book. I can't wait for the next one in the series. 



Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday Skim

Week of 2/9/2025 & 2/9/2025:


Currently Reading:

Looking Forward To:

Audiobooks have been rockstars lately. In fact, I've put off picking up a book for listening to and/or finishing my audio.  I haven't read a David Baldacci book in a long time but this one caught my eye and I'll be listening to it. 
