Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sunday Skim

Week of 10/20/2024:


Currently Reading:

Looking Forward To:


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Review Quickies

The writing style of this novel isn't like anything I've read before but I'm not sure I know how to describe it other than it was told in almost a factual way instead of emotional. That's not to say that it's void of emotion but it's just not upfront. Lila is a force to be reckoned with from the time she was young until she retires from her job. She was ahead of her time in being honest about what she wanted out of motherhood and what she could handle. Thank goodness she found Joe and he was more than happy to be her partner. Together they raise a family but for one of their daughters, Grace, Lila choosing work always rubs her the wrong way. What she doesn't realize is that she's a lot like Lila. There's also a family mystery that Grace choses to investigate, which rounds out the story. 

I've been a fan of Alyson's novels for along time, so I knew I had to grab it when I saw it. This story is one of building a community and taking care of those around you. Grace and Tom are truly giving people. Grace in her kind way of helping Anh adjust to America and Tom the way he offers Jack a hand without asking for any explanation. There is so much more to this novel but I really don't want to ruin it. If you are intrigued about the time period after the Vietnam War, then you will want to read this book immediately. 

I knew this one would back an emotional punch because it's based on the author's diagnosis of brain cancer. It is a short novel but hones in on the idea that life is supposed to be lived. Sure we all have responsibilities but that doesn't mean to put off the things you want to do.  It navigates the unknown when Eve wakes up in the hospital to her slow recovery with her dedicated husband next to her. 

If you've been a fan of Sophie's over the years, than you won't want to miss this one. 


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday Skim

Week of 10/13/2024:


Currently Reading:


Looking Forward To:

All of the books I read this week were all very different but great. I really can't get any of the characters out of my head. I might go back to A Spell of Good Things because the audiobook was hard for me to follow. 


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Skim

Week of 9/29/2024 & 10/3/2024:


Currently Reading:

Looking Forward To:

I really can't complain about my recent reads. The minute I heard that Ed Burns, YES that one, wrote a short novel loosely based on his childhood, I knew I had to read it. Well I listened to it because he narrated and it was really well done. For those who enjoy a little magical realism in their reads, well don't miss The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern and This Spells Love


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Review Quickies

This book is so lovely. Honestly, I loved the whole thing. I loved Augusta, aka Goldie, and how decades of misunderstandings made her who she was but she wasn't bitter. Irving was a hoot and stuck in a hard place when him and Augusta connect. I loved the cross between traditional medicine and homeopathic treatments with a little extra in them. The cast of characters at the retirement village crack me up and really become a great part of the story. Plus the cover is just stunning. 

This book was on my TBR shelf way too long. I mean I read her sophomore novel, Prime Time Romance, before I did this one. The premise is wonderful because who doesn't want to erase something we've done or someone we've dated but as Gemma realizes you can't take the bad away without taking some of the good. Her Aunt and sister provide some fantastic comedy relief but also steer her the right way. And well Dax, he's just kind of dreamy in both realities. For those that love rom-coms, this one isn't to be missed. I kind of wish it would be a movie or a show. 

I love family stories and even more when they are centered on generations and then the female stories. Our experiences can be very different than the stories created and told by our male counterparts. This is about 4 sisters that each have different gifts and how that has affected the next generation. It's about secrets and family stories. What I think I appreciated was an understanding that we can grow up in the same house as our siblings and have very different experiences. I don't think this is always true but probably more normal than we realize. Our families shape us in different ways and for Ona and Yadi, the next generation it is demonstrated in their life choices. 


Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday Skim

Week of 9/16/2024 and 9/22/2024:


Currently Reading:

Looking Forward To:

Funny Story is now my favorite Emily Henry book and I've adored all of them. I haven't been through the emotional ringer as I was with My Oxford Year and I can't wait for it to be on the big screen. The Ex Vows was soo good that I didn't want it to end. 

The Fabled Earth was a great southern, historical fiction novel that was steeped in generational stories. 
