Tuesday, September 11, 2007

About Girls Just Reading

This blog was created by me (Lisa), a book lover and avid reader, who wanted to share her love of all things bibliographic with whoever was interested. I conned a couple of my friends into joining me for the ride.

Here at Girls Just Reading we will provide comprehensive (we can do that because we’ve read the books) reviews about the fiction genres that we are interested in, namely, African-American Fiction; “Chick-Lit”; Crime Dramas; Contemporary Fiction; and Young-Adult Fiction.

In addition, we’ll try to:
  • Profile some of our favorite authors
  • Review movies and TV shows based on books
  • Give recommendations (we’ve read tons, trust me when I tell you this)
  • Highlight book events
  • Opine on interesting news and any miscellaneous book related items.

We are:
Jenn - Ratings Philosophy, Updated Philosophy (2009)
Julie - Ratings Philosophy
Lisa - Ratings Philosophy

Got questions? Email us

1 comment:

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