Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sunday Skim

Week of 7/28/2019:


Natalie Tan's Book of Luck and Fortune is about family, love and honoring your heritage. Still Me is the continuation of Louisa Clark's story and it is centered around her year in NYC. I listened to it on audio and loved every minute of it.

Currently Reading:


It is still on my Kindle, so I might come back to it but the characters were not intriguing me. I know it's gotten a lot of good buzz, so it's possible the timing was wrong.
Looking Forward To:

We are in a lull with baseball and other kid activities so I've been reading and also watching Veronica Mars on Hulu. I'm watching all the old seasons first before I dive into the new one. Is there any book that has gotten good buzz lately that you just couldn't get into and put aside?

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