Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sunday Skim

In the vain of trying something new here on the blog, I thought I might start with some Sunday posts summarizing what I've read, what I plan to start and upcoming books I'm looking forward to.

Week of 1/21/2019:


I've long been a fan of Robin Williams so when he died I was crushed. So I waited for a while to listen to the audio of it and wasn't disappointed. There were many things I didn't know about him and his career that I found fascinating.

Currently Reading: 

Looking Forward To:

And my  pace this week slowed down a bit. My husband was out of town and as mom Uber it didn't leave me a lot of free time to read. I'm hoping to finish my current read early in the week and move on to the next one. They are predicting a ton of snow tonight/tomorrow and then Arctic temperatures Wednesday, so I'm sure my kids will be home at some point this week. How was your week?


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