Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sunday Skim

In the vain of trying something new here on the blog, I thought I might start with some Sunday posts summarizing what I've read, what I plan to start and upcoming books I'm looking forward to.

Week of  12/10/2018:


Holy crap, where has Christina Lauren been in my reading life!! Seriously, this book was what I needed before diving into another thriller! It is what people might say Romance or guilty pleasure reading but it was wonderful. I will not miss any future book by this dynamic writing duo. The Flood Girls is one of those rare books that will stay with you for a long time. I certainly hope someone makes a movie out of it. 

Currently Reading: 

Looking Forward To:

Busy week with a basketball game, band concert and then basketball practice. At least there was no musical rehearsals to work around this week! As you can see above I adored the books I finished this last week. I'm off starting later this week until the 2nd day of the new year, so depending on what we end up doing over break, I should get some great reading in! I will be taking a break from audiobooks until I return to the office because none of my holds have come in. Hope you all had a great week too! 

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