Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sunday Skim

In the vain of trying something new here on the blog, I thought I might start with some Sunday posts summarizing what I've read, what I plan to start and upcoming books I'm looking forward to.

Week of  11/19/2018:


Wow! I don't really do memoirs but this book was recommended all over the place and my boss gave it to me because she loved it. It was a story about one girl/woman overcoming her childhood and her tyrannical father to become a brilliant scholar. (5/5)

Currently Reading: 


Looking Forward To:

I actually thought I'd read more this week but with chauffeuring the kids around and hosting 4 sleepovers, I caught up on more t.v. than reading. That's the way it goes though.  We had a great Thanksgiving. While I only finished one book, it was outstanding. I hope you all celebrated Thanksgiving however you chose! Here's to another great week!


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