Sunday, May 20, 2012

Children's Corner: Pink Me Up

Ok, this one was taken out of the library, because, well, my four year old daughter 'pinks up' all the time.  Could this be too much pink?  (Kidlet would tell me there is no such thing.)  I must say, there is a lot of pink, but it's taken with a grain of salt and a sense of humor.

Violet is all excited to attend the Pink Girls Pink-nic with mama today.  She has both of their outfits picked out and ready to go, but when mama wakes up, she is covered in pink spots... not the kind of pink that you can take to any type of picnic.  Violet is distraught, but mama says Violet can still go with someone else... Daddy.  Violet very seriously tells Daddy. "Daddy, you're a boy, and it's a pink girl party.  Boys are NOT pink!"  But Daddy thinks boys can be pink, at least he's willing to try.  Thus begins an amusing process of pink-ifying Daddy.

This is a cute read and a great book for girls who love pink... and fathers who love their pink-loving little girls.  There is a lot of backlash out there about everything for girls being pink, and truly, I understand it.  I'm not much of a pink fan... but I love it on my little girl, and she loves to wear it, and I see nothing wrong with that.  Hopefully no creative pink-ification goes on without permission, though!

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