Review: I don't think there's at least 3 nights a week that Chicka Chicka Boom Boom isn't my 4 year old son's choice of a book to read. He was introduced to this at pre-school and received it as a gift at Christmas. He is now at the point where he can recite the book while I read it. He has his own inflections for certain parts of the book. He even likes to recite the book while we are on our way to pre-school. I crack up and think it's cool that he can do it from memory. Perhaps that's because between school and home he's probably heard it 100 times.
What I like about it is that it flows easily. Not only for me but for my 6 1/2 year old daughter if she chooses to read it with him as well. It's a cute story about all the letters of the alphabet climbing up the coconut tree but they are a little too heavy for the poor tree and they all fall down.
There is something special about this book for kids. It helps reinforce the alphabet that they are learning about in a fun way. The illustrations are marvelous and bright.
I'm sure at some point I'll tire of reading it but that's the beauty, pretty soon he'll be able to read it all on his own.
Ok, gonna have to seek this one out.