Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Some Time with Jennifer Weiner

Photobucket On Monday night, I was lucky enough to go to a local high school and get to hear Jennifer Weiner speak and read from her new book,Best Friends Forever. They were expecting 950 people to attend the event. I was number 6 in line. :) She is everything any of us readers thought her to be: warm, engaging and very funny. She is most definitely someone you would want as a best friend or at least a friend.

She spoke for over an hour about family anecdotes, stories and spoke a lot about her Nana and how she was always vying for #1 Grandchild. I was surprised to learn that a lot of people didn't realize that her mom was a lesbian. Maybe I've read a lot of interviews with her but I already knew that. She took a lot of questions and then most of us were able to get our book signed and have pictures taken.

She also mentioned how she didn't really love the cover of Best Friends Forever because it looked like the one girl was getting a wedgie out of her butt. LOL She also said it looked like a douche commercial. Then her agent/publisher told her Barnes and Noble loved it. She said ok.

I was excited to learn that she has a development deal with ABC for creating female driven shows that depict women as "rail thin like Ally McBeal". You know, real women.

If you get a chance to see her now or on a future book tour, do it. You won't be disappointed.

I tried to take pictures of her speaking but they didn't turn out that good. But here is what turned out and two pictures of me getting my book signed.





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